
Direxion Daily CSI China Internet Idx Bull 2X Shs Stock Predictions

Direxion Daily CSI China Internet Idx Bull 2X Shs Stock Forecast

  • Over the next 52 weeks, Direxion Daily CSI China Internet Idx Bull 2X Shs has on average historically risen by 21.6% based on the past 8 years of stock performance.
  • Direxion Daily CSI China Internet Idx Bull 2X Shs has risen higher in 3 of those 8 years over the subsequent 52-week period, corresponding to a historical accuracy of 37.5%
  • Is Direxion Daily CSI China Internet Idx Bull 2X Shs Stock Undervalued?
    The current Direxion Daily CSI China Internet Idx Bull 2X Shs [CWEB] share price is $48.27. The Score for CWEB is 72, which is 44% above its historic median score of 50, and infers lower risk than normal.
  • CWEB is currently trading in the 70-80% percentile range relative to its historical Stock Score levels.

Will Direxion Daily CSI China Internet Idx Bull 2X Shs Stock Go Up Next Year?

  • Over the next 52 weeks, Direxion Daily CSI China Internet Idx Bull 2X Shs has on average historically risen by 21.6% based on the past 8 years of stock performance.

Direxion Daily CSI China Internet Idx Bull 2X Shs Stock Rating

Direxion Daily CSI China Internet Idx Bull 2X Shs (CWEB) is a Buy

Is Direxion Daily CSI China Internet Idx Bull 2X Shs overpriced?

  • Direxion Daily CSI China Internet Idx Bull 2X Shs has risen higher in 3 of those 8 years over the subsequent 52-week period, corresponding to a historical accuracy of 37.5%

Direxion Daily CSI China Internet Idx Bull 2X Shs Stock Price History

Is CWEB stock going to rise?

  • Based on the share price being above its 5, 20 & 50 day exponential moving averages, the current trend is considered strongly bullish and CWEB is experiencing slight buying pressure.

Stock Information

Stock Info


52-Week Data

52-Week High:
52-Week Low:

Prediction Charts

Market Cap:
Price in USD:

Technical Analysis

52-Wk Change:

Stock Predictions

  • Is Direxion Daily CSI China Internet Idx Bull 2X Shs stock public?
    Yes, Direxion Daily CSI China Internet Idx Bull 2X Shs is a publicly traded company.
  • What is the Direxion Daily CSI China Internet Idx Bull 2X Shs stock quote today?
    The Direxion Daily CSI China Internet Idx Bull 2X Shs stock price is 48.27 USD today.
  • How to buy Direxion Daily CSI China Internet Idx Bull 2X Shs stock online?
    You can buy Direxion Daily CSI China Internet Idx Bull 2X Shs shares by opening an account at a top tier brokerage firm, such as TD Ameritrade or tastyworks.

14-Day Historical Data

Date Opening Closing Minimum Maximum
Feb-24 45.86 42.73 45.86 42.23
Feb-25 43.53 42.97 43.60 42.20
Feb-26 46.28 45.01 46.54 44.42
Feb-27 44.31 43.63 44.90 42.88
Feb-28 40.80 41.64 41.84 40.43
Mar-3 42.15 40.21 42.45 39.86
Mar-4 41.12 42.30 42.98 40.40
Mar-5 44.86 48.34 48.62 44.86
Mar-6 50.67 48.90 51.42 48.20
Mar-7 49.42 49.09 50.92 48.22
Mar-11 47.50 46.98 48.63 45.81
Mar-12 46.03 45.74 46.46 44.41
Mar-13 44.20 45.65 46.39 43.98
Mar-14 48.48 48.27 48.63 47.33

Direxion Daily CSI China Internet Idx Bull 2X Shs Forecast Revenue Growth

Data Unavailable

* Direxion Daily CSI China Internet Idx Bull 2X Shs stock forecasts short-term for next days and weeks may differ from long term prediction for next month and year based on timeline differences.