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Missing Big Winners?

Get an Edge with the Algorithmic Buy and Sell Signals of Stock Score

100%+ Gains On SPY

On April 6, 2020 Stock Score triggered a Buy on SPY.
The ETF has since gained over 100%.

100% Computer Algorithm,

0% Guesswork

3x Return on NFLX

Buy and Hold since inception could
have yielded a 49,210% return.

Trading with Stock Score signals could
have yielded 189,383% return!

50x Return on CITIGROUP

Buy and Hold since inception could
have yielded a 33,644% return.

Trading with Stock Score signals could
have yielded 1,841,637% return!

50x Return on CATERPILLAR

Buy and Hold since inception could
have yielded a 4,387% return.

Trading with Stock Score signals could
have yielded 220,748% return!

60x Return on BOEING

Buy and Hold since inception could
have yielded a 207% return.

Trading with Stock Score signals could
have yielded 11,358% return!

100x return on Apple

Stock Score outperformed buy-and-hold investors by as much as 10X in AAPL.


It Really Is This Easy…

SIMPLE TO USE: Want to see stocks set to gain 20% or more over the next 8 weeks with 90% accuracy? Just click-and-drag the sliders to the settings below and Financhill generates a list of stocks that match.

Price rise/fall filter
Time in weeks filter
Historical accuracy filter

Tired of the Guesswork and Uncertainty of Picking Stocks?

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Seasonality has added a whole new spectrum to my trading

– so much so that I have added it to my evaluation rules before purchasing an option. I have Zacks Research Wizard and Finviz, but Financhill is much easier to use for the breadth of information you provide.

Eddie R.

Eddie R.

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I was skeptical at first and only signed up for 1 year

But as we all know, 'TIMING IS EVERYTHING' in life and investing. And Financhill definitely helps us to be in the right trades at the right times!

Doug F.

Doug F.

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The last three months have certainly been an interesting time

I saw things play out in the markets that might otherwise take me a lifetime to see. It was fun to see the markets throw you a curve ball every week and to see you hit it out of the park with a new strategy.

James B.

James B.

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